

3258 Uppsatser om Secondhand market - Sida 1 av 218

En andra chans ? en överblick av secondhandkläders marknad

In our globalized society massconsumption is widespread. However there is a trend showingthat people are starting to re-use clothes instead of buying newly produced garments. Reasonsfor buying secondhand clothing are many. During the 1950s people strived to look likeeveryone else but in the 1960s this changed. Subcultures grew stronger.

Varumärkets image inom secondhand och välgörenhet : En fallstudie av Erikshjälpen

Uppsatsens syfte är att analysera och klargåra kundens bild av varumärket Erikshjälpen, klargöra organisations identitet och hur man inom organisationen vill att varumärket ska uppfattas på marknaden. En ambition är att analysera butiken som en marknadsföringskanal. Empirimaterialet har samlats in genom personliga intervjuer med respondenter som har direkt koppling till Erikshjälpen samt fokusgruppsintervjuer bland kunderna i fyra butiker. De slutsatser jag har kommit fram till har baserats på de tendenser som visat sig tydligt i min analys. Då jag inte haft för avsikt att generalisera är detta ett sätt att lyfta fram återkommande påstående från respondenterna.

Sustainable shopping : consumer behavior in purchasing and donating secondhand clothes

Textiles are made in an unsustainable way and there is a need to find alternative ways and material to reduce the negative impacts on the environment, humans and animals. Problems like pollution, excessive water consumption and loss of soil fertility is a result of this lack of diversity. It is a necessity to find innovative alternatives in other fabrics due to the unsustainable use of cotton and polyester fibers. As in many other countries in the Western part of the world, in Sweden there is a rapid turnover and increased selling of clothes that result in increased textile waste. About 15 kilogram of textiles (net inflow) is consumed per person each year.

Myrorna & Beyond Retro ? En jämförande studie mellan en ideell och en vinstdrivande secondhand-verksamhet

Den svenska andrahandsmarknaden har under senare år växt sig allt starkare. Förklaringarna till det fenomenet är bl.a. den rådande miljödebatten och konsumenters nya medvetenhet till deras konsumtionsbeteende. Konsumenten har i dag ett behov att ha en individualistisk stil, vilket kan vara en anledning till secondhand-branschens nyvunna trendstatus och snabba expansion. Lågkonjunkturen, som drabbade Sverige 2008, kan även vara en anledning till den expanderande marknaden.

Vintagemode : En studie om fenomenet vintagemode och ett försök till att reda ut de olika begreppen inom andrahandsmarknaden av kläder

Syftet med studien är att undersöka och analysera fenomenet vintagemode. Genom att intervjua några aktörer inom andrahandsmarknaden vill jag studera denna konsumtionskultur och dess utveckling. Vidare vill jag undersöka de olika begreppen inom andrahandsmarknaden, om man hittar några distinkta skillnader mellan begreppen då det förekommer olika definitioner av orden. Jag har använt mig av en kvalitativ undersökning med en låg grad av standardisering och låg grad av strukturering. Till denna intervjustudie valdes sex informanter ut som arbetar inom andrahandsmarknaden.

Public service vs Kommersiell TV. SVT, TV4-gruppen och MTG: En kvalitativ fallstudie om de ledande aktörerna på den svenska TV-marknaden och deras marknadsorientering.

The Swedish TV broadcasting market is constantly changing together with the players in it. The questionto be answered by this paper is how the players in the market handle these changes and to what extentthe players are changing the market. Also, are there any differences between the public service andcommercial players in this aspect? The purpose of this paper is to create a better understanding of theSwedish broadcasting market and its player's market orientation. Through case studies of the three mainbroadcasting companies, SVT, TV4-gruppen and MTG, the market is analyzed from their perspective.The conclusions from the analysis show that there are differences in the market orientation betweenpublic service and commercial players, where the commercial companies are more market driven..

I valfrihetens spår : En undersökning av friskolereformens effekter ur ett rättviseperspektiv

Syftet med studien är att undersöka och analysera fenomenet vintagemode. Genom att intervjua några aktörer inom andrahandsmarknaden vill jag studera denna konsumtionskultur och dess utveckling. Vidare vill jag undersöka de olika begreppen inom andrahandsmarknaden, om man hittar några distinkta skillnader mellan begreppen då det förekommer olika definitioner av orden. Jag har använt mig av en kvalitativ undersökning med en låg grad av standardisering och låg grad av strukturering. Till denna intervjustudie valdes sex informanter ut som arbetar inom andrahandsmarknaden.

Förädling av textil- En studie om att skapa mervärde av skänkta kläder och textilier

Våren 2011 beslutade Röda Korset i Sverige att sluta skicka skänkta kläder som bistånd till katastrofområden. Röda Korset ställdes nu inför frågan vad de ska göra med de skänkta klä-derna för att omvandla dem till en resurs.Uppdraget var att i samarbete med Zäntrumprojektet och Röda Korsets secondhandbutik Ku-pan förädla de skänkta kläderna på ett miljövänligt sätt. Tanken är att Zäntrumprojektet ska sy om de skänkta kläderna till nya produkter som sedan ska säljas i secondhandbutiken Kupan.Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att finna ett sätt att förädla de skänkta kläderna och skapa nya produkter av dem. Vidare ska de skänkta kläderna skapa bättre resurser till Röda Korset som de kan tillgodogöra sig i sitt välgörenhetsarbete. Produkterna ska vara skapade på ett sådant sätt att de avger minsta möjliga avfallsmängd, främjar hållbar utveckling samt är attraktiva för Röda Korsets secondhandbutiks kunder.

Vintage ? ett varumärke?

To dress in used clothes is no longer considered as unfashionable. The acceptance of thesecond hand market has increased over the years. Vintage clothing has becomefashionable because you get the opportunity to create your own individual style. Vintagehas been given status. It has become a trend.

Lån utan säkerhet

The Swedish market for unsecured loans has frequently been attacked by media and government officials. Some actors have been accused of exploiting customers and charging inappropriately high interest rates. Despite the public interest very little academic work has been published on the topic. Therefore it is our purpose to investigate why the prices can differ so much between the different actors. Further, we also aim to conduct a market overview as a secondary purpose which will help us in reaching our primary purpose.

The effects of Joint Ventures announcements on stock returns behaviour - An Event Study of the Stock Market

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of joint venture announcements on stock prices behavior and simultaneously to test the German stock market (Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse) for efficiency. We tried not only to analyze the general impacts of a JV-announcement but also to look for differences in the market response to announcements of different types of joint ventures, namely: domestic, international, horizontal and vertical. Our expectations of efficient market were confirmed during our paper, which employed the technique of the standard event study. The calculation of abnormal returns which are the signals for market efficiency or inefficiency respectively were based on the market model, establishing linear relationship between the return on the market and the return on an individual security. The parameters of the model were obtained through regression analysis..

Förtroendebyggande i finasiella analystjänster

This bachelor thesis aims to analyse the Swedish mortgage market and investigate whether it is in a current price bubble or not. Comparisons have been made with Denmark, a country with a market similar to Sweden?s, and where the mortgage market faced a price bubble that crashed in 2008. The housing market in Stockholm has been analysed as a separate market, as it differs from Sweden as a whole in prices and underlying factors to increased prices. The conclusion of this thesis is that not Sweden, nor Stockholm, is currently in a price bubble at the mortgage market.

Derivatinstrument för prisriskfördelning på villafastigheter. - En undersökning av förutsättningarna på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden.

This paper is concerned with surveying the possibilities of implementing a futures market based on the valuation of non-commercial real estate in Sweden. We base our survey on a theoretical speculation of how such a market would operate and what instrument would best suit the marketplace. After reaching our solution we survey key experts to receive their feedback on our suggested solution. Their feedback includes, who are potential operators on this market and their motives, possible effects of such a market on the real estate market and other aspects of society..

Sveriges bostadsmarknad - Befinner vi oss i en prisbubbla?

This bachelor thesis aims to analyse the Swedish mortgage market and investigate whether it is in a current price bubble or not. Comparisons have been made with Denmark, a country with a market similar to Sweden?s, and where the mortgage market faced a price bubble that crashed in 2008. The housing market in Stockholm has been analysed as a separate market, as it differs from Sweden as a whole in prices and underlying factors to increased prices. The conclusion of this thesis is that not Sweden, nor Stockholm, is currently in a price bubble at the mortgage market.

Sverige i New York : -

Many companies choose to position themselves in New York. The city is one of the main cities when it comes to advertising. The competition is strong and for new companies, it is hard to survive on the market.In our thesis we have investigated how Swedish people, who open new advertising agencies in New York, should market themselves to be successful on the market in New York.To gain as much information as possible about this subject, we traveled to New York and interviewed three advertising agencies, who were started by Swedes, and also the Consulate General of Sweden, and Swedish Trade Council.Our investigation resulted in that the best way to be successful on the American market is to differentiate your work from what the market has to offer. By doing this potential customers may find your work interesting and thereby chose to work with your company..

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